Friday, April 24, 2009
Feel It!
Woke up this morning and the sun shined so bright it lifted me. Feeling really good y'all, so I want to wish you a good day and a great season. Yes, this is my favorite season. Spring is when the sun comes back and stays! So get out there and go get your dreams! Make them reality and then dream up new ones to manifest! BIG LOVE!
Stand By Me
This is a great clip from the movie Playing For Change: Peace Through Music, forwarded to me by my roommate from Amritapuri Ashram, currently in China. It features musicians and street performers singing Stand By Me as a sign of global solidarity. She definitely stood by me when I had noone so this one is for her. Word to Smita!
Smita says:
If you want a Falcon,
you'll have o live in the mountains,
so it can fly free.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sustenance. Diligence.
Totally slackin on posting photos from my Easter/Bday weekend. Know a lot of Arians out there whose birthdays just past or are coming up soon so Happy Birthday to all! Many young adults feel like hittin your early to mid 20's is nerve wracking, what with the new responsibilities and obligations. It's an adjustment for sure and I'm definitely the last person who can claim to be responsible. But I'm passionate. And I know passion doesn't get you all the way but it's a start.
Passion is an interesting spirit. It invokes a certain fire we need to get us going. My celestial siblings know about fire all too well. It is what keeps us moving. But when that inspiration dims we tend to slow down to an almost glacial pace. The fury is frozen; the motivation grows stale, and we tend to drop what we start as quickly as we took it up. I bumped into a good friend (another April birthday baby and budding actress) at the train station (Newkirk HOLLA!) and we got into a conversation about inspiration. I posed a question to her about how she thinks inspiration can be sustained. And after some therapeutic dialogue we came to the two pillars of success; Stimulation and Discipline. In all... DILIGENCE. Wiki says:
Diligence is a zealous and careful nature in one's actions and work. Decisive work ethic. Budgeting one's time; monitoring one's own activities to guard against laziness. Putting forth full concentration in one's work. Dilligence is usually promoted in work places. It is one of the seven Holy Virtues.
Good at passion but when it comes to discipline there is a serious struggle. I have realized in these past months that my real challenge is not the art itself but the discipline it takes to sustain productivity. Ok, acknowledged! Now, let's move! But...with deliberate commitment.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Revolutionary influences meets metaphysical metaphors. The beat, built by the incomparable Melo Mustafa X, knocked so hard it deserved to be coupled with hard lyrics. Hope you enjoy!
An excerpt from untitled novel by me.
...I once put the problems of the world on my shoulders. I cast a burden so heavy on my back that it made the heaviest yoke feel like a feather on flesh. I was a self-proclaimed martyr... But I will not give them the satisfaction of killing me so that they may invoke my spirit whenever they choose. I will live, and make them know my name before my time is done.
Download: GIANT FREE
Monday, April 20, 2009
What a man?! He's intelligent, multi-talented, thrill seeking, cultured, and socially aware. From pro-ball to his work on environmental concerns, Dhani seems to take on all challenges put in his path. His new show, Dhani Tackles The Globe showcases Jones' athletic skills as well as his charisma and charm in unfamiliar situations. He's tried boxing in Thailand, sledding in the Swizz Alps, and even tried his hand at being a shepherd in Spain. A beautiful brotha playing sports, cracking jokes, and enjoying himself...how can you beat that?

He can tackle my globe any day!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Bling Thy Inner Self
The Boo (as it's affectionately called) was PACKED! Get info about the artwork, price inquiries, and future projects @ Lichiban's site.


In manifest mode.
Lichiban's amazing art exhibit continues to inspire! Be on the look out for her art to grace the cover of my upcoming album. Talented, sweet, and all about her business...What a woman!!
Art Nouveau,
Worth A Thousand Words
Monday, April 6, 2009
Wrong Lips Feature

Shout out to TEXAS on the photo tip. A true artist.
You can visit the ladies of Wrong Lips and view the full interview on their site. Also, check Lichi's personal blog too!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Birth of Venus
An excerpt from untitled novel by me.
…She was somewhere between sand and dirt, grass and cold concrete. As she stooped down to the ground grabbing the earth, panting, like a panther prepared to pounce; her belly bulged. She was pregnant with Time, both past and future. She was the millisecond. [LU1] Eyes smoldering, her lips parted to let the heat in her chest cool off. But it only cooled for so long. She looked out at times to come and the heat grew so hot it wrapped around the molars in her mouth, attached to her tongue, and sparked her taste buds to call forth saliva. But the burning didn’t stop. Fire huffed out of her nose and she became inflamed. Her purpose was realized, her butterflies flew free, and her fears became God in practice.
More to come.
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